Nursing care of patients with hyperglycemia combined with ketone retention in the critical period: a case study

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saowalee maneesri




Controlling blood sugar levels in diabetic patients to reach target values. and follow-up to monitor for vascular complications It is an important guideline in caring for diabetic patients to have a good quality of life without complications. A case study of 2 patients with hyperglycemia combined with ketone retention in critical stages. Purpose for Comparative study of nursing care for patients with hyperglycemia combined with ketone retention in the critical period. In diabetic patients with Diabetic ketoacidosis, this condition occurs in diabetic patients who have inappropriate health behaviors or severe health complications. Causes abnormally high blood sugar levels at the outpatient department Patong Hospital. Between February 2023 - October 2023 data were collected. With patient medical records, observation, interviews, data analysis by comparison. From the study, it was found that the 2 patients were different in their unique characteristics, causes, and pathologies of the disease. They had Diabetic ketoacidosis with comorbid conditions. Doctors' treatment approaches and nursing practices are therefore specific to the patient's condition. There will be a longer period of hospital stay. There is more difficulty in maintaining it. and having effective care guidelines for diabetic ketoacidosis patients It will help patients get through the critical period safely. And there are guidelines for continuous care in order to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels to the target value. Reduce the rate of hospital readmissions and long-term monitoring of vascular complications. This study is useful in planning development in the care of patients with diabetic ketoacidosis


Keyword: Diabetic, Diabetic ketoacidosis

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How to Cite
maneesri saowalee. Nursing care of patients with hyperglycemia combined with ketone retention in the critical period: a case study. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 14 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];7(1):87-95. Available from:
Case Report



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