Effectiveness of Patient Centered Care Program for Reducing Cardiovascular Risks in Chronic Disease, Primary Care Unit Krabi Hospital

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Pikulkaew Payungpun


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effectiveness of patient centered care program for reducing cardiovascular risks in chronic disease, primary care unit Krabi hospital. This research used a representative random sampling method to select the instance, with 33 participants. They were collecting the data from June to November 2021. The instruments composed of personal data form, the Guidelines for Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk, Knowledge questionnaire, and hearth behaviors questionnaires.Data were collected through questionnaire before and after the experiment 6 months. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and McNemar Chi-squared.

The result found that in the sample after receiving the program, there was a statistically significant increase in stroke knowledge and healthy behavior about diet control and exercise before receiving the program (p<0.001). and an decreasing CVD risk score  score significantly (p<0.001.The healthcare outcome was decreased fasting blood sugar, Hemoglobin A1C, blood pressure, Cholesterol and low density lipoprotein after receiving the program (p<0.05), respectively.

          The patient centered care program applied to prevent cardiovascular risks can help diabetes or hypertension patients have better knowledge and health behavior and good glycemic control, decrease blood pressure and lipid profile. The relevant health personnel should also continually conduct follow-up and health condition assessments.

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How to Cite
Payungpun P. Effectiveness of Patient Centered Care Program for Reducing Cardiovascular Risks in Chronic Disease, Primary Care Unit Krabi Hospital. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 20 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(1):1-17. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/268909
Original Article


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