Performance Indicators for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Control and Prevention in Community by Village Health Volunteers: A Factor Analysis Research from Krabi Town Municipality องค์ประกอบและตัวบ่งชี้สมรรถนะการดำเนินงานป้องกันและควบคุมโรคไข้เลือดออก ในบริบทชุมชนเมืองของอาสาสมัครสาธารณสุขประจำหมู่บ้านเขตเทศบาลเมืองกระบี่

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atjima chanakul


This quantitative research on community Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Control and Prevention operations by village health volunteers (VHVs) aimed to study the components and indicators of their performance in Krabi Town Municipality. The sample was 225 village health volunteers, working under the Krabi Town Municipality. They were selected by stratified random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire, validated for content validity with an index of item objective congruence (IOC) between .67 – 1.00. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the entire questionnaire was .96 Data were analyzed by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), including the process of factor extraction and factor rotation by means of Varimax method.

The results showed that the performance of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Control and Prevention operations in the community by the VHVs consisted of 3 components and 17  indicators. These could explain the variability of the indicators at 51.30 %, consisting of: 1)   surveillance disease in the community performance (8 indicators), 2) introduction to disease prevention and symptoms performance (4 indicators), 3) elimination of aedes mosquito larvae performance (5 indicators)

The components obtained from this research might be used to assess the efficiency of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Control and Prevention operations in the community, in accordance with the roles of village health volunteers, and this, prior to formulating any model or method for developing disease control operations.

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How to Cite
chanakul atjima. Performance Indicators for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Disease Control and Prevention in Community by Village Health Volunteers: A Factor Analysis Research from Krabi Town Municipality: องค์ประกอบและตัวบ่งชี้สมรรถนะการดำเนินงานป้องกันและควบคุมโรคไข้เลือดออก ในบริบทชุมชนเมืองของอาสาสมัครสาธารณสุขประจำหมู่บ้านเขตเทศบาลเมืองกระบี่. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(1):19-2. Available from:
Original Article


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