Effects of using the multiple trauma care practice guidelines in Emergency Department

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Suwarat Poopeang


Objective: To study the effect of using the multiple trauma care practice guidelines in Emergency Department of Srisangwornsukhothai Hospital Sukhothai province

          Material Methods: Research is quasi-experimental research, two unequal groups. the post-test only design with nonequivalent groups. without measuring variables control group and experimental group. Dividing the sample into 2 groups, control group are 20, experimental group are 20. Multiple trauma patients are cared for according to guidelines of  the multiple trauma care practice guidelines (American college of Surgeons (Tenth Edition) ,2018)

          Results: Multiple trauma patients found the time to go to the operating room on time was 100 %. There was a statistically significant difference P value< .05.

                   Professional nurse follows the guidelines for caring or multiple trauma patients overall mean =0.95, SD =302        level as good

          Conclusions: Research results found most of Professional nurse can follow the multiple trauma care practice guideline and understand the principles of assessment of multiple trauma patients’ system. This made patients with multiple system injuries have a greater transfer to operation room

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How to Cite
Poopeang S. Effects of using the multiple trauma care practice guidelines in Emergency Department . Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];5(1):27-39. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/257454
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