A Practice Guideline Development of management to provide Knowledge for pre-post-Operative Care of Tonsillectomy in Krabi Hospital

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Jaruek maneechot


The aim of this study was to develop nursing practice guidelines of management to provide Knowledge for  the pre- and postoperative care of Tonsillectomy in Krabi Hospital . It was used in patients or caregivers of tonsillectomy patients to measure knowledge, satisfaction, and to measure the quality of the practical preoperative knowledge management practice guidelines after tonsillectomy. by measuring the satisfaction of operating room nurses who used the guidelines.

Design Research: Research for Development and Prospective descriptive study. The study simple was 42 patients and caregivers , 10 operating room nurses who used the guidelines.

The research :  Developed according to the concept of quality cycle Deming (Deming cycle [PDCA]), there are 4 steps was divided into 3 phases , Phase 1 : A study of problems by reviewing medical records of patients. Phase 2: Establish and develop guidelines for pre- and post-operative knowledge management practices. Phase 3: Implemented a practical knowledge management practice guideline. . Analytic statistics were descriptive statistics, for continuous variables using t-test statistics (Pair t-test) and statistically significant at p-value <0.05

Conclusion: Most of the samples were patients (64.30%), female (66.70%), aged 21-30 years and 31-50 years (38.10%), self-employed (35.70%), Bachelor's degree (38.10%) and operating room nurses 3-5 years who used the guidelines (50%). The results of the pre- and post-operative care practice guidelines of patients or caregivers were compared with knowledge based on 7 issues. Show that 6 issues with statistically significant differences,       p < .05 . Patients and caregivers have increased knowledge and most satisfied. The satisfaction of the operating room nurses was very good,on diet and pain management and other matters are at a good level.

Suggestion: Make a document with pictures to understand the patient and caregiver.

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How to Cite
maneechot J. A Practice Guideline Development of management to provide Knowledge for pre-post-Operative Care of Tonsillectomy in Krabi Hospital. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 3 [cited 2024 Sep. 15];4(2):13-24. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/254570
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