Tenofovir and Risk of Deficient Renal Function in HIV/AIDS Patients at Krabi hospital

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Siriwit Aswatiwong


          Background: Tenofovir is widely used to treat HIV infection. Many reports shown Tenofovir has been associated with renal function deterioration, but local data regarding the incidence and risk factors for this adverse event were lacking.
          Objective: To determine the incidence of deficient renal function in HIV/AIDS patients on Tenofovir - based regimens and to evaluate risk factors involved in Tenofovir associated renal function decline
          Methods: This is a single-Centre retrospective cohort study of 299 HIV/AIDS adult patients who were started on Tenofovir based antiretroviral regimens at Krabi hospital.
          Results: A decline in eGFR of 25% or more was seen in 17 patients (5.68%) with an estimated incidence rate of 4 per 100 person-years. Protease inhibitor (PI) co-administered, Underlying disease hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia, lower CD4 count< 230 cell/mm3, eGFR baseline less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2 patients significantly were associated with >25% decrement in eGFR (P-value <0.05)
          Conclusion: The incidence rate of Tenofovir related deficient renal function was found to be 4 per 100 person-years. Pre-existing renal impairment, PI co-administered, CD4 immune and some underlying disease as were predictors for renal function decline. Tenofovir is the first regimen recommended in Thailand national guidelines on HIV/AIDS treatment in 2017, increased awareness about this adverse event is essential.

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How to Cite
Aswatiwong S. Tenofovir and Risk of Deficient Renal Function in HIV/AIDS Patients at Krabi hospital. Kb. Med. J. [internet]. 2021 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];1(1):35-44. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/247975
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