The Development of Nursing Model for Promoting Optimal Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Secondhand Smoke Exposure


  • Bootsakon Seaharattanapatum Guyot Faculty of Nursing, Kasetsart University
  • Naphawadee Tungtrongvisolkit Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Phetchaburi Rajabhat University


Nursing Model, Optimal Birth Outcomes, Pregnant Women with Secondhand Smoke Exposure


This action research aimed to develop a nursing model for promoting optimal birth outcomes in pregnant women with secondhand smoke exposure. The subjects were forty club advisors at central division network of nursing institutions in Bangkok. They were recruited by the purposive sampling and quota sampling. Data collection used the questionnaires of health promotion knowledge. The nursing knowledge in promoting optimal birth outcomes in pregnant women with secondhand smoke exposure test was verified by the five experts (IOC) .06 - 1.00. The reliability of the research instrument (KR-20) was. 794. Data analysis used the descriptive statistics and pair t-test.
The results showed that after intervention, the subjects were approximately 72.5% having the highest level of prenatal health promotion knowledge score. Additionally, the mean score of prenatal health promotion knowledge in post- intervention was significantly higher than pre-intervention at .05 (t =17.323, df = 39, p <.001). As the result revealed that prenatal health promotion nursing model; 1) perceiving the benefits and barriers of health behaviors, 2) encouraging family participation in health care, 3) practicing health behaviors, 4) preparing health educational application, 5) providing individual counseling online, and 6) monitoring continuous health status. The recommendation of this study should be developed the application system for helping pregnant women to avoid secondhand smoke exposure and developed the effective referral system for preventing adverse birth outcomes.


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How to Cite

Seaharattanapatum Guyot B, Tungtrongvisolkit N. The Development of Nursing Model for Promoting Optimal Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Secondhand Smoke Exposure. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];25(1):374-82. available from:



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