Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Enhancing Executive Functions of the Brain in Early Childhood


  • Naphatsachon Khammee Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Juthamas Haenjohn Faculty of Education, Burapha University
  • Sasinan Sirithadakunlaphat Faculty of Education, Burapha University


Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Executive functions of the brain, Early childhood


The objective of this research was to test the effectiveness of using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to enhance executive functions of the brain for early childhood. The participants were Kindergarten 3 students. Forty-nine students (n = 49) were randomly selected by cluster sampling and divided into 2 groups: the experimental group (n = 27) was trained by using the program to enhance executive functions of the brain with Neuro-Linguistic Programming for early childhood, and the control group (n = 22) was studied according to the school curriculum. The research instruments were: 1) the program to enhance executive functions of the brain with Neuro-Linguistic Programming for early childhood consisting of 8 sessions (30-50 minutes each). It was developed by researchers based on Pillars of NLP such as rapport, acuity, outcomes, flexibility and anchoring techniques. 2) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2): Teacher Form with 63 items to assess the impairment of executive function tested for 3 periods: pre-test, post-test, and follow-up in 2 weeks. Statistical analyses were formed with one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Bonferroni method was performed for multiple comparisons. The results showed that the experimental group had a significantly higher executive functions of the brain than control group in post-test and follow-up (p < .05). And, in the experimental group, the post-test had a significantly higher executive functions of the brain than follow-up period (p < .05).


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How to Cite

Khammee N, Haenjohn J, Sirithadakunlaphat S. Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Enhancing Executive Functions of the Brain in Early Childhood. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];25(1):319-27. available from:



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