The Effectiveness of Using the Miracle Spinning Palm Plate Innovation for Exercising on Exercise Behavior and Satisfaction with the Innovation of Nursing Students at Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province


  • Ketkanok Kettong Prachomklao College of Nursing
  • Kannokarn Kutawin Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Panisara Songwatthanayuth Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromarajchanok Institute


Exercise behavior, The miracle spinning palm plate innovation for exercising, Nursing students


The quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of exercise by the miracle spinning palm innovation for exercising on exercise behaviour and satisfaction with the innovation of nursing students at Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province. The participants were selected into either the experimental (n = 56) or the control (n = 56) groups. The experimental group received the exercise by using the miracle spinning palm plate innovation for exercising. The research instrument included an exercise by using the miracle spinning palm plate innovation for exercising and data collection tools comprising of exercise behavior questionnaires and satisfaction with the innovation of nursing students questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive and t-test statistics. The results revealed that is statistically significant differences between pretest and posttest scores of exercise behaviour in the nursing students (t = -47.02, p < .01). There are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and control group of exercise behavior in the nursing students (t = 36.97, p< .01). The satisfaction level of the program is at a good level (M = 4.31, SD = 0.69). The findings suggested that nurses can apply this program to promote exercise behavior by using the miracle spinning palm innovation for exercising in students and other people.


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How to Cite

Kettong K, Kutawin K, Songwatthanayuth P. The Effectiveness of Using the Miracle Spinning Palm Plate Innovation for Exercising on Exercise Behavior and Satisfaction with the Innovation of Nursing Students at Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];25(1):140-5. available from:



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