The Development of Guidelines of Promoting the Development and Healthy Growth for Premature Infants, Thailand


  • Jaruwan Sanongyard Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing
  • Netiya Jamtim Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing
  • Lakana Sirathirakul Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Suphanburi, Faculty of Nursing
  • Matanee Radabutr Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi, Faculty of Nursing
  • Napawan Wiriyasirikul Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Faculty of Nursing


promotion of development, healthy growth, preterm infants, guidelines


This research and development aimed to 1) analyze the current situation and develop a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth and 2) evaluate the guideline. The instrument consisted of a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth and preterm infant care behaviors for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, content analysis, and t-tests analyzed the data.
The results showed: 1) Analyzing the current situation and developing a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth consists of the guidelines for taking care of the family, the working process of the coordination, and developing tools/innovations and guidelines for evaluating preterm infants. The activities of this guideline included building relationships and exchanging knowledge between mothers, infant families, and healthcare providers, teaching and demonstrating mothers and families for taking care of preterm infants and reviewing procedures for referring patients, providing knowledge through LINE applications, and evaluating and renewing knowledge. 2) The mean overall scores of preterm infant care behaviors of mothers and families after the trial between the experimental and control groups were statistically significant, p < .05.
Recommendation: This guideline should be studied and analyzed to suit the user groups and the context of each area.


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How to Cite

Sanongyard J, Jamtim N, Sirathirakul L, Radabutr M, Wiriyasirikul N. The Development of Guidelines of Promoting the Development and Healthy Growth for Premature Infants, Thailand. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2024 Apr. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];25(1):113-21. available from:



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