Predictors of HPV Vaccine Intention Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in Chonburi Province
HPV Vaccine Intention, Young Men who have Sex with MenAbstract
This research aimed at identifying significant predictors of human papillomavirus vaccination intention among young men who have sex with men (YMSM) in Chon Buri Province. The partici-pants of 308 YMSM aged 18-26 years old in Chon Buri, who experienced anal sexual intercourse within lifetime. The e-questionnaires were used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics and Stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The results revealed that: 1) The mean score of intention to take HPV vaccine among YMSM in Chon Buri was at moderate (Mean = 13.45, SD = 2.395), 2) Self-efficacy to get HPV Vaccine (Beta = .402), normative beliefs of HPV vaccination (Beta = .246) and situational perceptions of HPV vaccina-tion (Beta = .161) were significant predictors of intention to take HPV vaccine among YMSM. These sig-nificant predictive variables accounted for 37.8% of the total variance in intention to take HPV vaccine among YMSM in Chon Buri (Adjusted R2 = .378, p < .01). However, number of sexual partners, knowledge of HPV and the HPV vaccine, and attitudes towards HPV vaccination could not significant-ly predict intention to take HPV vaccine (p > .05). The results suggest that it is useful guidance on pro-moting HPV vaccination intentions of YMSM in order to prevent HPV infection and reduce the inci-dence of rectal cancer and other malignant diseases caused by HPV infection.
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