Relationships between Personal Factors, Positive Psychological Capital, and Positive Practice Environment of Generation Y Professional Nurses at a Public Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province
Personal factors, Positive psychological capital, Positive Practice Environment, Professional nurse, Generation YAbstract
The purposes of this descriptive study were 1) to investigate personal factors, positive psychological capital, and the positive practice environment of Generation Y professional nurses at a Public Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province; and 2) to explore the correlation among their personal factors, positive psychological capital, and positive practice environment.The sample comprised 129 registered Generation Y aged nurses who worked at a public hospital in Ubon Ratchathani Province. They were selected by simple random sampling. Research tools comprised questionnaires with 3 parts including 1) personal factors, 2) positive psychological capital, and 3) positive practice environment. The tools were tested for content validity. The reliabilities of the second and the third sections were .92 and .96 respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient.
The major findings were as follows. 1) Job duration of generation Y professional nurses was mostly 1-5 years (53.5%), and working hours per week was more than 48 hours (88.4%). Positive psychological capital was rated at the highest level (M = 4.59), and positive practice environment was rated at high level (M = 4.37). 2) Working hours per week and positive psychological capital were significantly and moderately positively related to positive practice environment at the level .001. However, job duration was not related to positive practice environment. The findings suggested that administrators should concern with Positive Practice Environment, Positive psychological capital, Working hours per week, Professional nurse, Generation Y. Performing tasks with good quality of work life this will bring good results to service recipients.
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