Achieving Excellence in Nursing Management in VUCA Situations of Nursing Organizations at Private Hospitals: Challenges in Building Nurse Managers Capacity towards New Normal at Work
The management of private hospital nursing in terms of marketing focus on rapid changes. Ambiguity with up-to-date policies. The complexity of business planning and nursing marketing, this results in fluctuations in the expansion and collapse of health care units or certain jobs, or must use administrative processes that produce better services in many ways that are thought to be better. This feature of the predictable situation is called “VUCA Situations” The head nurse is the first-level executive responsible for implementing the policy or sometimes having to deal with unfamiliar events before presenting problems and solutions to supervisors. Faced with the complexity of managing people and tasks for excellence-oriented results. Complaints and risk management must be actively dealt with in order to achieve the quality and standard of nursing services and to deliver satisfaction to clients with high expectations. These events are all new normal that occur in work that has never been taught in any course before. You have to face and learn by yourself. The real work context is therefore difficult to predict the outcome. This article therefore aims to propose guidelines for developing head nurses in private hospitals with excellent service and management; orientations at work with new normal and personal initiative behaviors.
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