The Effects of A Life-Skills Training Program on The Coping Strategies of Bullied Middle School Students
Coping strategies, Life-skill training, Bullied-middle school studentsAbstract
This quasi-experimental research, using a two-group, pretest-posttest design, examined the effects of a life-skill training program on coping strategies for bullied middle school students. The samples were comprised of 62 middle school students that had experienced bullying, randomly assigned to an experimental group of 30 students and a control group of 32. The experimental instruments were 1) Life-skill program 2) data collection tools were 2 parts questionnaire 2.1) The Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire and 2.2) coping strategies scale. Descriptive statistics were used to represent participants’ personal information; a dependent t-test was used to compare the mean of coping strategy scores before and after intervention for each group; and an independent t-test was used to compare the mean coping strategy scores between the experimental and control groups.
The results of the study were as follow. 1) After participating in the life-skills training program, the mean scores for the coping strategies of the experimental group (M = 102.83, SD = 19.59) was significantly higher than before program participation (M = 80.13, SD = 18.39) at a statistical significance of (t = 7.8 p<.001); and 2) after participating in the life-skills training program, the mean difference in the mean score for the coping strategies between the pretest and posttest in the experimental group (= 22.70, SD = 15.89) was higher than that of the control group receiving routine care (
= -1.65, SD = 18.78), at a statistical significance (t = 5.494, p<.001). These findings suggest that a life-skills training program may effectively increase the coping strategies of bullied middle school students.
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