Factors Influencing Infertility related Stress among Women with Infertility


  • Darin Srichum Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Ameporn Ratinthorn Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Rudee Pungbangkadee Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University


Women with infertility, Infertility-related stress, Infertility-related communication, Social support


The analytical cross sectional study aimed to study the influence of age, causes of infertility, family income, infertility related communication, social support, and coping strategies for infertility related stress. The sample consisted of 161 women with primary infertility, age 18 or older, attending the infertile clinic at Siriraj Hospital. The data were collected via demographic and infertility questionnaires, infertility related communication strategies scales, the COMPI coping strategy scales, the Revised-Thai version of the perceived social support scale, and the COMPI fertility problem stress scales. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were 0.901, 0.901, 0.830, and 0.906, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.

The results show that factors influencing infertility related stress with statistical significance were causes of infertility in females (ß =.112, p-value < .05), lack of communication with other people (secrecy) (ß =.701, p-value < .001), communication to close other people (formal) (ß = .400, p-value < .001), and social support (ß = - .153, p-value = .006). All factors could describe variation of infertility related stress in women with infertility by 70.40% (R2 = .704, F = 32.264, p-value < .001).


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How to Cite

Srichum D, Ratinthorn A, Pungbangkadee R. Factors Influencing Infertility related Stress among Women with Infertility. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(3):453-61. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/251361



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