A Review of Psychosocial Factors and Organizational Behavior and Performance Excellence Behavior of Head Nurses at an International Private Hospitals


  • Chutchavarn Wongsaree Faculty of Nursing, Kasem Bundit University
  • Chutima Panyapinijnugoon Faculty of Nursing, Kasem Bundit University
  • Walianaree Promla Faculty of Nursing, Pathumthani University
  • Phakaporn Taewrob College of Nursing and Health, Suansunandha Rajabhat University
  • Rungnapa Kulpakdee The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • Hatairat Kaoaien The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • Netchanok Sritoomma College of Nursing, Christian University


Psychosocial factors, organizational behaviors, performance excellence behavior, head nurses


Most of the services in hospitals are nursing services with head nurses directing the work in the unit level and contributing to services delivery of quality to patients. Head nurses plays an important role in implementing the policy for efficiency, effectiveness and supporting for innovation building at nursing units which creating a competitive advantage for the hospital. Therefore, the head nurse seems the one of success factor of the nursing department. Currency, nursing management tends to focus on international quality standards and work situations are becoming more complexity. Head nurses must be self-awareness of developing one’s own potential to be ready for challenging tasks. This article aimed to review the factors related to the performance excellence behavior in 4 dimensions are following; task performance, contextual performance, Adaptive performance and Counterproductive work behavior performance. second, to propose the psychosocial and organizational behavioral factors that support the head nurses to have excellent performance behavior such as personal initiative, work engagement, leadership, innovative behavior, job satisfaction, psychological climate, job description and self-efficacy. The author hopes that this article will encourage head nurses to be aware of developing their own performance excellence behaviors that will be advantages for nursing unit performance in the future.


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How to Cite

Wongsaree C, Panyapinijnugoon C, Promla W, Taewrob P, Kulpakdee R, Kaoaien H, Sritoomma N. A Review of Psychosocial Factors and Organizational Behavior and Performance Excellence Behavior of Head Nurses at an International Private Hospitals. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];23(1):14-22. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/251183



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