The Association between Cardiovascular Risk Factors with Levels of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and The Health Literacy in Older Adult
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, health literacy, older adultsAbstract
The trend of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Thai population was continuously increasing. Prevention by enhancing a health literacy was very important. The research objective was to study the relationship between the CVD risk factors with the CVD’s risk levels and health literacy among the older adults in Chiang Rai province. The sample size were 323 older adults, using the demographic characteristics questionnaire, the health literacy questionnaire, and the levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors questionnaire. The association between CVD’s risk factors with CVD risk level and health literacy were analyzed by Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, and ANOVA test. Results: Most elderly participants were young-old (57%). There older adults in each group (young-old, middle-old, and old-old) were significantly different in health literacy scores (p-value < .001). Which, young-old group ( = 121.3, SD= 37.4) was highest mean of health literacy score than middle-old (
= 100.4, SD= 33.7) and old-old groups (
= 83.8, SD= 29.1), respectively. The health literacy in young-old group was significantly relation with past illness variable and BMI level variable (p-value < .001). Therefore, enhancing the health literacy should consider the difference of age, past illness and BMI level of the older adults.
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