Enhancing Learning Skills for Community Health Nursing Practicum by Applying Simulation
Simulation, Nursing education, Learning model, Community health nursing practicumAbstract
Nursing education currently has been emphasizing nursing skill practice in Learning Resources Center following the regulation from Nursing Council, including the community health nursing practicum subject. Regarding course learning outcomes, students are aimed to have the capacity to assess health conditions and basic needs of patients, plan nursing care related to an assessment for solving health problems or promoting health in both individual and family levels is required, accordingly. Moreover, provide nursing care for clients with safety and concern of rights is equally important. Thus, in order to prepare readiness for students before practicing in the genuine situation, applying simulated classrooms will encourage students to participate and increase nursing skills based on situations that similar to the actual contexts. This will result in not only confidence and also critical problem-solving thinking which leads to an appropriate clinical decision. Therefore, this article intended to be a guideline for nursing education particularly in community health nursing practicum subjects by applying simulation to increase effective learning skills.
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