Development of the Care Plan for Caregivers of Communities Dwelling Older Adult Stroke Survivors


  • ภาวดี วิมลพันธุ์ School of nursing, Mae Fah Luang University
  • ขนิษฐา พิศฉลาด School of nursing, Mae Fah Luang University
  • ภัทริกา ปัญญา School of nursing, Mae Fah Luang University
  • พัชรี จิตเอื้ออังกูร School of nursing, Mae Fah Luang University


development, care plan, caregivers, older adult stroke survivors, communities


This research and development design study aims to 1) describe the older adult stroke survivors 2) develop the care plan for caregivers. Phase 1: The descriptive design was adopted to explore needs and health care problems of nine older adult stroke survivors in Mae Kao Tom sub-district, Chiangrai, Thailand during November 2017. Phase 2: The care plan was developed based on the Joanna Briggs Institute Model of Evidence-based Healthcare. Eight systematic reviews, two meta-analyses and two guidelines published in Thai and English during 2008-2016 were derived from electronic resources. Then, the care plan with standard procedures was validated and critiqued, while all instruments for a pilot study were measured for validity and reliability. Next, the pilot study to test the feasibility of the care plan was established among six trained volunteers and four family members at Mae Kao Tom community in Chiangrai, Thailand, from December 2017 to February 2018. After an evaluation, the care plan and instruments were improved. Findings: Older adult stroke survivors need effective care plan and caregivers with knowledge and skills. The care plan contains the activities promote activities daily living and the implementation for continued treatment and rehabilitation. Additionally, the care plan includes standard procedures, the algorithm of the care plan and the standard procedures’ tests to measure caregiver competency.


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How to Cite

วิมลพันธุ์ ภ, พิศฉลาด ข, ปัญญา ภ, จิตเอื้ออังกูร พ. Development of the Care Plan for Caregivers of Communities Dwelling Older Adult Stroke Survivors. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];20(3):237-46. Available from:



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