Professional Nurses as An Entrepreneur of Elderly Care Service
Professional nurses, Entrepreneurship, Elderly Care ServiceAbstract
The purpose of this study was to describe experiences of being an elderly care service entrepreneur of professional nurses. Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology was applied as a research methodology. Purposive sampling was used to select 12 nurse entrepreneurs as informants who have been being the owner of elderly care service over 3 years and nursing home was accredited by the department of business development, Ministry of Commerce. Data were ethically collected by using in-depth interview, observation and artifacts. Contents were analyzed by using content analysis of van Manen’s method.
The findings regarding to this study were consisted of 2 major themes and sub-themes as follows: 1. Applying nursing knowledge for running business, with consisted of 4 sub-themes as follows; 1.1) Designing a house as a nursing home, 1.2) Specifying patients for nursing home, 1.3) Providing holistic care, and1.4) Co-operating with hospitals for advanced care. 2. Running a business requires multidisciplinary studies, with consisted of 5 sub-themes as follows; 2.1) Finding money to invest 2.2) Setting appropriate price 2.3) Training to improve staff skills, 2.4) Indispensable advertising and marketing and 2.5) Improving quality service. The research findings showed that nurse entrepreneurs need to have both business management and gerontological nursing knowledge to be successful in elderly care service.
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