The Effect of Individual Counseling to Enhance Positive Thinking of Postpartum Mothers with Unwanted Pregnancy In Songkhla Hospital


  • คฑาวุธ แสงอรุณ Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • สุขอรุณ วงษ์ทิม Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • นิธิพัฒน์ เมฆขจร Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Positive Thinking, Individual Counseling Program, Postpartum Mothers.


This study aimed to (1) compare the levels of positive thinking of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the experimental group before and after receiving individual counseling; and (2) compare the positive thinking level of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the experimental group who received individual counseling with the counterpart level of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the control group who received normal care. The research sample consisted of 14 postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in Songkhla Hospital, obtained by purposive sampling technique. Then, they were randomly divided into 2 groups, the experimental group and the control group, each of which containing 7 patients.The experimental groupreceived individual counseling for 10 sessions, each of which lasted for 50 minutes. The research instruments were (1) a scale to assess positive thinking, with reliability coefficient of .94; and (2) an individual counseling program for enhancing positive thinking of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy. The employed statistics for data analysis were the median, inter-quartile range, Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Singed-Ranks Test, and Mann- Whitney U Test. The results showed that (1) the post-experiment positive thinking level of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the experimental group who received individual counseling was significantly higher than their pre-experiment counterpart level at the .01 level of statistical significance; and (2) the post-experiment positive thinking level of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the experimental group who received individual counseling was significantly higher than the counterpart level of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy in the control group who received normal care at the .01 level of statistical significance. This individual counseling program for enhancing positive thinking of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy mayuse to individual counselingfor enhancing positive thinking of postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy between 14-30 years . The use of this shall be help postpartum mothers with unwanted pregnancy to continue to live a normal happy life.


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How to Cite

แสงอรุณ ค, วงษ์ทิม ส, เมฆขจร น. The Effect of Individual Counseling to Enhance Positive Thinking of Postpartum Mothers with Unwanted Pregnancy In Songkhla Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2019 Aug. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20(2):195-204. available from:



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