Self-directed Learning Readiness as Perceived of Nursing Students at Pathumthani University: A Comparative Needs Assessment
Self-directed learning readiness, Nursing students, Needs AssessmentAbstract
The purposes of this survey research were to 1) study the degree of success of self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) as perceived of nursing students and 2) prioritize and compare needs their SDLR as perceived of nursing students. The samples group consisted 189 by simple random sampling of nursing students who were studying in the first, second, third and fourth year in Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program. The research instrument was the SDLR questionnaires. The reliability each categories of the questionnaires were .73 - .84 using Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. The data was analyzed by using frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviation and modified priority needs index (PNImodifled).
The results found that the degree of success of SDLR of nursing students overall mean score were high level (M = 3.92, SD = 0.54). The fourth-year nursing students had SDLR overall mean score at the higher than the second, third and first year nursing students. The first-year nursing students had needs assessment to SDLR are the most important needs first (PNImodifled = 0.34). The classified by components overall found that ability in self-learning aspect had the most important needs first (PNImodifled = 0.33). Followed by self-study characteristics (PNImodified = 0.31) and ability in self-management aspect (PNImodified = 0.28).
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