The Effect Of Negative Symptoms Self- Management Program On Functioning Of Schizophrenic Patients With Negative Symptoms
schizophrenia, negative symptoms, functioning, negative symptom self- management programAbstract
This study was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. The objectives were: 1) to compare the functioning of schizophrenic patient with negative symptoms before and after received the negative symptoms self-management program and 2) to compare the functioning of schizophrenic patient with negative symptoms who received negative symptoms self-management program and those who received regular nursing care activities. Forty of schizophrenic patient received services in in-patient department, Srithanya Hospital, who met the inclusion criteria, were matched pairs and then randomly assigned to experimental group and control group, 20 subjects in each group. The experimental group received the negative symptoms self-management program composed of 7 group activities to improve knowledge and relevant skills including self-management, negative symptom, use of cognitive negative symptom management techniques, self- care on daily life, medication management, emotional management, communication, and utilization of community resourses. The control group received regular nursing care activities. Research instruments were: 1) The negative symptoms self-management program, 2) The Life Skill Profile, and 3) The negative symptoms subscale of Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. All instruments were validated for content validity by 5 professional experts. The Chronbach’ s Alpha coefficient reliability of the Life Skill Profile and the negative symptoms subscale of Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale was 0.94 and 0.90, respectively. Major findings were as follows:
1. The functioning of schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms who received the negative symptoms self-management program was significantly higher than that before, at p .05 level;
2. The functioning of schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms who received the negative symptoms self-management program was significantly higher than those who received regular nursing care activity, at p .05 level.
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