The Result from Development of Medication Management System in Palliative Care Program in End Stage of Cancer Patients in Samphran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province


  • Siriwan Chumcharoensuk Samphran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province


palliative care, end stage of cancer patient, Medication Management System, Drug Related Problems, DRPs


Objective: Descriptive prospective design, the purpose of this research was study the  result from development of Medication Management System in Palliative Care Program in end stage of cancer patients in Samphran hospital. Methods:  A sample of patients with inpatient end stage cancer in the palliative care ward was selected using purposive sampling of Palliative Performance scale was ≤50% included 54 cases. The data was conducted from 1st April 2023 to 31st August 2023. Results: The sample group was male 24 cases (44%) and female 30 cases (55%). We  found that most of age between 60-69 years old. Most of the studied subjects were advance stage lung  cancer 12 patients 22.22%. The initial symptoms that led to the treatment in palliative program were dyspnea & fatigue (Mdn=8, IQR=0-10), pain (Mdn=6, IQR=0-10). After receiving interventions from the palliative care program, the post-treatment follow-up revealed significantly decreased severity of all symptoms (p<0.05). Fourty-six patients (85.2%) were accessed to strong opioids. The drug related problems (DRPs) before medication Management System  were found 54  cases (92 problems) respectively with the average 1.7 times per patient and  DRPs after medication Management System were found  10 case (15 problems) respectively with the average 0.4 times per patient. The DRPs after medication Management System was significantly improved. Pharmacists’s recommendations were received 49 cases (90.7%) with all recommendation acceptance, 5 cases with partial acceptance  and 0 case no recommendation acceptance. Conclusion: The results of this study was medication management system is important to treatment  or care patients for efficacy and quality care and treatment outcome in hospital. The pharmacist’s role is continuous review of patient’s medications and ongoing contact with the interdisciplinary team. It is essential to minimizing medication-related problems and improving outcomes and efficacy. It is intended to improved quality of life of the end-stage of cancer patients and family.


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How to Cite

Chumcharoensuk S. The Result from Development of Medication Management System in Palliative Care Program in End Stage of Cancer Patients in Samphran Hospital, Nakhon Pathom Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 1];13(3):66-83. Available from:



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