Predicting Factors of Dementia Preventive Behaviors among Elderly People Living in Samut Prakan Province


  • Pornnarong Srimuang Suphanburi public health office
  • Prayuk Pitivirayuth Samut Prakan public health office


predicting factors, preventive behaviors, dementia, elderly


    Thailand is entering an aging society, while elderly-related diseases are increasing. Dementia is one of the most common diseases and affects the lifestyle and quality of life of the elderly. Dementia preventive behavior is one method to encounter dementia. Several factors were concerned that influence dementia preventive behavior among the elderly. Therefore, this study focuses on the predicting factors related to dementia preventive behaviors among the elderly in Samut Prakan Province.

          There were four hundred participants in this study. Most of them were early elderly aged 60 – 69 years (68.80%). There were females (61.00%) more than males. More than half had an education level in primary school and were retired. They had to rely on family income. They reported having underlying diseases and being overweight. Focusing on the Health literacy factor, it was found that knowledge, understanding, and prevention of disease, skills for accessing health information, health communication skills, self-management skills, and media literacy skills were enough scores, except for decision-making skills. Concerning participation in social activities, the elderly had moderate participation. Approximately three-quarters of the respondents had moderate dementia preventive behaviors.

    However, two factors in this study were educational level and health literacy that could predict 20.4 percent of dementia preventive behaviors among the elderly in Samut Prakan Province.


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How to Cite

Srimuang P, Pitivirayuth P. Predicting Factors of Dementia Preventive Behaviors among Elderly People Living in Samut Prakan Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 13 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];12(2):303-18. Available from:



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