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The Development of a Nursing Model for Colorectal Cancer Patients received Surgery and Chemotherapy in Uthai Thani Hospital


  • Pranee Tarunawongsanon Registered Nurse, Uthai Thani Hospital
  • Panee Wiruchagool Registered Nurse, Uthai Thani Hospital
  • Jinda Pudpong Registered Nurse, Uthai Thani Hospital
  • Parinda Sritharapiphat Nurse Instructor, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chainat


model development, colorectal cancer, chemotherapy, quality of life


Colorectal cancer is an important problem for patients that should be treated from the initial stage into the discharge from the hospital, which multidisciplinary care is required.

This research and development study was divided into 3 phases and also aimed to; 1) analyze the situation in the nursing care problems of colorectal cancer patients, 2) develop process of this nursing Model and 3) explore the effectiveness of this model. Participants were selected by purposive sampling to include in four groups; consisting of 1) 9 professional personnel, 2) 23 professional nurses 3) 30 Patient’s medical records and 4) 30  patients with colorectal cancer who received surgery and chemotherapy. These research tools used in this study were  two types including; tools for the implementing research and tools for the evaluating outcomes of the model implementation. Content Analysis were used to analyze the qualitative data for focus groups, Whereas quantitative data was analyzed for using frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation.

The results showed that the effectiveness of the nursing model in the knowledge of nurses after using the model was scored according to the high level criteria (85.50 percent). Nursing practice according to new guidelines 93.33% was correct. The professional nurses satisfaction with the pattern was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.56, SD=.17). The overall quality of life indicators was at a good level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=2.67, SD=.48). Patients were satisfied with nursing model at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.45, SD=.38). For the service quality outcomes ,  it was found to archive  the target criteria by 83.33%.

   The results of this study show that The developed colorectal cancer nursing model is useful for supporting multidisciplinary teams to provide care for both service providers, patients and their families.


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How to Cite

Tarunawongsanon P, Wiruchagool P, Pudpong J, Sritharapiphat P. The Development of a Nursing Model for Colorectal Cancer Patients received Surgery and Chemotherapy in Uthai Thani Hospital. JPMAT [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 26 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];11(3). Available from:



Original Article