Corporate governance model for drinking water vending machines of local government organizations in Nonthaburi Province


  • Suthathip Yamfak กลุ่มงานอนามัยสิ่งแวดล้อมและอาชีวอนามัย สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดนนทบุรี


corporate governance model, drinking water vending machine, Local government organization


            This research is aiming to study the service situation and the corporate governance model for drinking water vending machines of local government organizations in Nonthaburi Province. The population were used in the study in total 1,683 drinking water vending machines, which were surveyed by local government organizations in Nonthaburi Province between April - September 2020. The qualitative data was studied by focus group discussion with 12 public health and environment executive of municipalities and sub-district administrative organizations. Data was analyzed by using basic statistics to characterize the population and content analysis for focus group discussion. The results of the study revealed that most of the places surveyed for drinking water vending machines were residences. The owner of the places are the owner and do not have the license to operate drinking water vending machines. The location and manner of drinking water vending machines are mostly hygienic. All water sources come from tap water. There were no results of the drinking water quality analysis according to the drinking water standard but the bacterial analysis by simple test kit of some local government organizations was operated. Most of the site area, surfaces, drainage channels, water nozzles and water tanks inside are washed and cleaned. The filter material are cleaned and replaced according to the product instructions. Most of them do not have any instructions and warnings on the label. All drinking water vending machines do not have a record of water quality inspection and maintenance operations. Most of the bacterial analysis results by simple test kit were negative. Local government organizations have proposed the appropriate guidelines to be a corporate governance model for drinking water vending machines by issuance of local commandment under the Public Health Enactment 1992, publicity of the established guidelines in local commandment and information related to drinking water vending machines, proceedings of the law in case of doing business without permission, surveying the basic data, work planning and budgeting for monitoring water quality, recommendations for improvement and follow-up, issuing a certificate of passing hygienic assessment and bacterial contamination in the water, creating network partners and training to educate / develop network partners' potential in caring of drinking water vending machines.



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How to Cite

Yamfak S. Corporate governance model for drinking water vending machines of local government organizations in Nonthaburi Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];11(2):255-72. Available from:



Research Article