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Epidemiology of Deliberate Self-harm and Suicide in Chun district Phayao Province


  • Kittiwat Kantha Chun Hospital, Phayao Province


deliberate self-harm, suicide


Background: Suicide is a leading cause of death around the world. In addition to Thailand, suicidal attempts are on the rise in Chun district, which is part of the Phayao Province.

Objective: To identify the related factors of committed suicide among suicidal attempter in Chun District.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 50 cases with committed suicide and 65 participants with attempted suicide during 2016-2020 by purposive sampling. Committed suicide cases were assessed by relatives’ interview, while suicidal attempters were assessed by direct interview. Demographic data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Relationship between related factors and committed suicide were analyzed by odds ratio.

Results: The related factors associated with committed suicide were male (OR 2.8), older age (>61) (OR 3.9), farmer (OR 5.26), having a debt, alcohol or drug use disorder (OR 2.9), having low income (OR 3.5), and using hanging method (OR 16.50).

Conclusion: Male, older age, farmer, having a debt, alcohol or drug use disorder, having low income, and using hanging method were the related factors for committed suicide. Appropriate interventions should be further evaluated for preventing suicidal attempt


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2022-01-25 — Updated on 2022-01-28


How to Cite

Kantha K. Epidemiology of Deliberate Self-harm and Suicide in Chun district Phayao Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];11(3):577-90. Available from:



Original Article