Community Health Impact Assessment: Concepts and Applications


  • สามารถ ใจเตี้ย Department of Public Health, Faculty Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.
  • อ้อมหทัย ดีแท้ Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.


impact assessment, community health, applications


     Community Health Impact Assessment is a process of predicting community health impacts resulting from health determinants that lead to policy recommendations for addressing community health impacts. The beginning is focus group discussion, drawing their vision of well-being in community, define their determinant of health, developing tools, try out and planning for tool use. The community health impact assessment process also creates learning activity through the potential of the community under the change of economic, social and natural resources. The results of the process will have a positive effect on health promotion and policy decision making.


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How to Cite

ใจเตี้ย ส, ดีแท้ อ. Community Health Impact Assessment: Concepts and Applications. JPMAT [Internet]. 2020 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(3):423-31. Available from:



Review Article