Factors Affecting Coverage of measles vaccine of the target group in Su-ghai Kolok District.


  • เกษมสันต์ วนวนากร Department of Primary Care, Su-ghai Kolok Hospital, Narathiwat Province.


Measles, measles vaccine, Halal


     Measles vaccine coverage for people aged between 9 months to 5 years old should be 95% but in Su-ghai Kolok district coverage of this vaccine in Febuary 2019 was only 50.26%. An outbreak of measles occurred in the district with a sick rate of 61.41/100,000 population. Two patients died. This result originated from the misunderstanding about vaccine preventable diseases, uncertified halal vaccines and parents refusing to allow their children to be vaccinated. The collaboration of four organizations in Su-ghai Kolok district was established to evaluate and manage this problem. SWOT analysis was performed. The information from this project was later adapted by the communities. These processes improved coverage of MMR1, MMR2 vaccines to 95.63% and 92.52% respectively. In the future this method can be applied to other vaccines that have a similar problem.


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How to Cite

วนวนากร เ. Factors Affecting Coverage of measles vaccine of the target group in Su-ghai Kolok District. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Sep. 24 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];9(2):190-6. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/217726



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