The Network of Psychiatric Care in Pakkat Hospital Buengkan Province


  • จรูญ สุรารักษ์ Doctor, Senior Professional Level Pakkat Hospital Buengkan Province


Psychiatric care, Mental health network


      This research study is a qualitative study. The objective is to study psychiatric patient care in network of mental health in Pakkat Hospital, Buengkan Province by studying the number of volunteers who care for patients have mental health problems. There are a total of 27 volunteers which consist of 20 leaders and village health volunteers in the Pakkat Hospital area, Buengkan Province. And there are 7 health officials who are responsible for mental health care in primary care unit (PCU.)
     The study found that the demographic characteristics of the sample were between the ages of 41-50 years old, 44.4 percent were female, 81.4 percent were married, 81.4 percent graduated with secondary school education, 37.0 percent were farmers, 55.5 percent with family income between 5,000-10,000 baht per month, and 48.2 percent were single family. Family characteristics were single family. 92.5 percent of village health volunteers who had worked for 6-10 years. 50 percent of health officials had worked for more than 21 years. 43.2 percent join the network of mental health voluntarily.
     The study found that the overall approach to treatment of psychosis is to promote and educate the community about mental home health care, and provide support to psychiatric patients. This can be done by public health officials with both the hospital and the health promoting hospital district going out to support the patients. A screening system used psychiatric screening test treatment which focuses on health education. Counseling for families at risk and refer to psychiatrists and psychiatric care network of mental health at Pakkat Hospital, Buengkan province had three aspects: personnel, budget and service providers.


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How to Cite

สุรารักษ์ จ. The Network of Psychiatric Care in Pakkat Hospital Buengkan Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(3):282-90. Available from:



Original Article