Related Factors of Self-Care Behaviors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in The Queen Sirikit Health Center, Khok Salung Subdistrict, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province.


  • วิษณุ เฉลิมนนท์ The Queen Sirikit Health Center, Khok Salung Subdistrict, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province.


Self-care behaviors, Type 2 Diabetes


     This cross-sectional survey research aimed to study factors that related to self-care behaviors of Type 2 diabetic patients Khok Salung Subdistrict, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province. The samples of this study consisted of 124 diabetic patients of The Queen Sirikit Health Center, Khok Salung Subdistrict, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaires 2015 during January to May. Data were then analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient statistics.
     The results of this study showed that 71.8% of type 2 diabetic patients had a moderate level of self-care behavior, 15.3% had a low level, and 12.9% had a high level respectively. Factors related to self-care behaviors of type 2 diabetic patients were age, duration of diabetes, knowledge and perception towards diabetic, health service access, and social support (p<0.05).
     The results of this study suggested that responsible agencies in the area should promote self-care behaviors of Type 2 diabetic patients by focusing on knowledge and perception towards diabetic, health service access, and social support.


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How to Cite

เฉลิมนนท์ ว. Related Factors of Self-Care Behaviors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in The Queen Sirikit Health Center, Khok Salung Subdistrict, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(2):137-44. Available from:



Research Article