The Outcome of Heath Care Service System for Hypertension Clinic with Pharmacist Participation in Multidisciplinary Team at Ban Mai Nhong Hoi Health Promoting Hospital, Doi Lo District, Chiang Mai Province.


  • สุจิตรา พิทักษ์ Department of Pharmacy, Doi Lo Hospital, Chiangmai Province


Health care service system, Hypertension disease, Multidisciplinary team


     This study aims to clinical outcome hypertension, drug-related problems for pharmacist, patient’s satisfaction to health care service system and outcome to home health care for multidisciplinary team at Ban Mai Nhong Hoi health promoting hospital. The quasi-experimental study, Clinical outcome of patients at baseline and after 6 months were compared and healthcare provider and patient’s satisfaction were obtained during the period from January to October, 2014. Drug-related problems and Home health care by data collection was performed using clinic data and questionnaire. The percentage and mean were calculated and paired t-test was performed. One hundred and ninety-nine patients were enrolled to the study. 64.8% were females, their average age was 59.711.8 years. Clinical outcome results, the average to systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure after study increase, slight to between baseline. However, this is statistically significant difference as compared to the baseline (p=0.007, p=0.000). The evaluation of the drug-related problems; thirty-five problems were the most non-compliance. Patient’s satisfaction to health care service system >80% the most service healthcare providers’. Thirteen patients were follow up to home health care by the multidisciplinary team. In conclusion, the results from this study indicate that Pharmacist particitation in multidisciplinary team improve the clinical outcome, build patient satisfaction, solve drug related problem and promote the holistic care.


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How to Cite

พิทักษ์ ส. The Outcome of Heath Care Service System for Hypertension Clinic with Pharmacist Participation in Multidisciplinary Team at Ban Mai Nhong Hoi Health Promoting Hospital, Doi Lo District, Chiang Mai Province. JPMAT [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 7 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];5(2):128-36. Available from:



Research Article