Influencing Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Success Rate in Ranong Province


  • นรเทพ อัศวพัชระ Ranong Provincial Health Office


Pulmonary tuberculosis, treatment success, self-awareness


      This study aimed to explore the influencing factors of pulmonary tuberculosis success rate in Ranong Province. This was a cross-sectional study. The population and samples were the patients who were diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis and also registered in Ranong Hospital during 1 October 2015 to 30 September 2016. They had the result of success rate in fiscal year 2017. There were total 82 patients. The questionnaire was developed by the researcher. The content validity was proved by 3 experts. Reliability was tested and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient result was 0.81. Software program was used for data analysis. Descriptive statistics to analyze personal characteristics, social factor, treatment process, and pulmonary tuberculosis success rate were frequency, mean, percentage, and standard deviation. Inferential statistics for association analysis were Fisher’s Exact Test, Univariate Analysis by Odds Ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval of odds ratio and Logistic Regression Analysis.
     The study found that pulmonary tuberculosis patients of Ranong province in fiscal year 2017 had 81.3% of success rate. In term of association, the history of living in the same households with tuberculosis patients significantly related to the pulmonary tuberculosis success rate (P-value=.043). Multivariate analysis was tested and revealed that the patients who have no the history of living in same households with tuberculosis patients was more likely to succeed in pulmonary tuberculosis treatment 5.17 times of those who had this history statistical significantly (95% CI=1.13-23.56, P-value=.034)
     Therefore, the history of living in same households with tuberculosis patients should be included in the first assessment form for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in order to evaluate patient’s behaviors. Having this history risks to be unsuccessful of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment. These patients who have this history should be close follow aiming to increase pulmonary tuberculosis success rate.


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How to Cite

อัศวพัชระ น. Influencing Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Success Rate in Ranong Province. JPMAT [internet]. 2018 Sep. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];8(2):200-11. available from:



Research Article