Proposed Policy for Prevention and Control in Bangkok Area According to Communicable Disease Act B.E. 2558


  • รุ่งเรือง กิจผาติ Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health
  • เวสารัช สรรพอาษา Institute for Urban Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Disease Control Ministry of Public Health
  • พรเทพ ศิริวนารังสรรค์ Chairman of the Committee for Health Bangkok Metropolitan Council


     It is a quality study using literature review and focus group. This aims to prepare and respond to communicable disease Act B.E. 2558 in Bangkok. There are 3 aspects of problems and recommendations proposed. For the policy aspect, the communicable disease committee should be setting up. At least 2 teams of emergency operation team per one district should be accomplished to cover population. For operation aspect, annual operation plan for disease prevention and control should be prepared. For policy aspect, public and private integration of disease prevention and control is one of the key success factor. The operation center for disease prevention and control should be setting up for monitoring and evaluation. For directing aspect, a technical and advisory committee should be proposed. Three levels of emergency operation team should be accomplished. These are Advance team, Basic team and Community team. For operation aspect, a quarantine center with rapid report and respond for operation plan is one of the most important key success factor. The director of Bangkok district is a key person to represent Bangkok governor for disease control in the district. Many laws and regulation should be approved and enacted as soon as possible. These will lead to better control of communicable disease control according to the law in Bangkok.


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How to Cite

กิจผาติ ร, สรรพอาษา เ, ศิริวนารังสรรค์ พ. Proposed Policy for Prevention and Control in Bangkok Area According to Communicable Disease Act B.E. 2558. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];8(2):163-72. Available from:



Research Article