Factors Associated with the Overweight of Primary Students in Public School


  • ศศิธร ตันติเอกรัตน์ Lecturer Faculty of Public Health, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under The Royal Patronage. Pathum Thani Province
  • อภิชัย คุณีพงษ์ Lecturer Faculty of Public Health, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under The Royal Patronage. Pathum Thani Province


Self-efficacy, Social support, Overweight prevention behavior, Primary student


     Overweight in children is a complex public health problem that leads to many health concerns. This observational study was aimed to study overweight behaviorof primary students. The sample consisted of 145 children in level 4-6 elementary students devided in to 2 group normal weight (normal, thinness) and overweight (overweight, obesity). Weight and height of overweight children were analyzed by compared with child growth criteria established by the Ministry of Public Health. The research instruments were the following: general information questionnaire, self-efficacy and social support. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square.
     The results showed that the samples were 50.3% female, 49.7% male, aged 9-10 years, 55.2%, followed by 11-13 years old, 44.8%. The nutritional status normal weight was 66.9%, overweight and obesewas 10.3% and 7.6%, respectively. Most of the sample had private business/trade occupations 42.1%. The amount of money received was 10-50 baht per day, 55.2%.
     This study suggests that self-efficacy social support and obesity prevention behaviors were not significantly associated with overweight. (p>.05) Therefore, in organizing activities to prevent overweight in children need to promote other aspects of the same.


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How to Cite

ตันติเอกรัตน์ ศ, คุณีพงษ์ อ. Factors Associated with the Overweight of Primary Students in Public School. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 18 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(3):272-9. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPMAT/article/view/129175



Research Article