Respiratory Findings, Skin Irritation and Neurogenic Symptoms Related to Air and Malodor Pollution Among Workers in Smoked Rubber Sheet Plant.


  • กานต์ กาญจนพิชญ์ Occupational Medicine, Department of Occupational Health, Udonthani Hospital


Respiratory Findings, Air and Malodor Pollution


     Air and malodor pollution is the major chemical health hazards that usually found in the smoked rubber sheet plant and may increase the risk of many health problems. The purpose of this cross-sectional descriptive study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of respiratory symptoms, skin irritation and neurogenic symptoms among workers exposed to air and malodor pollution. Data were collected by respiratory health questionnaires, physical
examination and spirometric testing during March 2016. Totally 943 workers were participated in the study, with classified into 2 group: exposure group (outdoor workers) and control group (indoor workers). Odor concentration was measured by the Pollution Control Department during the same time.
      The results showed that the prevalence rates of upper and lower respiratory symptoms, skin irritation and neurogenic symptoms during past 1 month were 79.8%, 65.0%, 38.1% and 58.3% respectively. Physical examination showed the prevalence rates of nasal mucosal swelling and/or redness, pharyngitis, skin rash and pinkeye were 40.1%, 24.8%, 6.3% and 5% respectively. The prevalence of abnormal spirometric testing result was 18.2% (restrictive type 40% and obstructive type 35.6%). Exposure group were positively associated with skin symptoms [OR 1.5 (95%CI 1.09-2.07)], eye irritation [OR 15.15 (95%CI 2.0-110.5)] and nasal abnormality [OR 1.43 (95%CI 1.05-1.96)]. Odor concentration of the emission at chimney exceeded the standard comparable value 20-30 times and 4 times around the factory fence.
     In conclusion, this study showed high prevalence of respiratory and skin symptoms that were significant problem among the high risk workers in smoke rubber sheet plant, with odor concentration exceeded standard. Prevention program should be set up according to these associated factors and is needed attention from concerning authorities.


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How to Cite

กาญจนพิชญ์ ก. Respiratory Findings, Skin Irritation and Neurogenic Symptoms Related to Air and Malodor Pollution Among Workers in Smoked Rubber Sheet Plant. JPMAT [internet]. 2018 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];7(2):135-47. available from:



Research Article