Case Report: A Case of Zika Virus Disease in Doembang Nangbuat Hospital, Suphanburi Province, Thailand


  • ธมลพร ผลประเสริฐ Doembang Nangbuat Hospital Suphanburi Province Thailand


Zika virus, Staffs, Case report, Surveillance


     Zika virus disease is a non-severe viral infection even though its significant neurological complications are Guillain-Barre Syndrome and neonatal microcephaly. This report presents the 39-year-old woman, a medical laboratorian of Doembang Nangbuat Hospital, Suphanburi, who was diagnosed with Zika viral infection. On 2016 November, 9 the patient had symptoms of fever, dizziness, fatigue and arthralgia. Then she had an erythematous rash and red eyes on 2016 November 12, On 2016 November, 14 her blood and urine were examined for the infection. The result indicated that there was negative in the blood whereas positive in urine. The result was notified on 2016 November, 15. After that, the Department of Family Clinical Practice and Community started to survey the patient’s neighborhood and investigated blood and urine of her family members. The results of her family’s investigations were all negative. Their
results implied neither her family infected Zika virus more than 15 days after onset of symptoms nor the patient infected from other people who came for medical services. Additionally, the Department of Infectious Control in hospital screened all hospital staff of 330 people. The result of this survey represented three asymptomatic pregnant women who needed to examine blood and urine, and their results were all negative. However, surveillance, prevention, and
control of notifiable disease had been continued for 28 days, and the result illustrated that no new infectious cases in Doembang Nangbuat Hospital.


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6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diagnostic Tests for Zika Virus. [Internet]. [cite 2016 Dec 3]. Available from:




How to Cite

ผลประเสริฐ ธ. Case Report: A Case of Zika Virus Disease in Doembang Nangbuat Hospital, Suphanburi Province, Thailand. JPMAT [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 12 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(1):121-6. Available from:



Case Report