Validity and Reliability of the Thai Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9-item (IGD Scale-9 TH) in adolescents in the psychiatry out-patient unit

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Udomporn Boonyaprasert
Komsan Kiatrungrit


Objective: To evaluate the validity and reliability of the Thai version of the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (Short version) (IGD Scale-9 TH) for the screening and diagnosing internet gaming disorder according to DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria in adolescents between 11 to 17 years of age.

Method: The original IGD Scale-9 was translated into Thai and translated back to English by an professional translator. 90 pairs of adolescents and parents, who received treatment at child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient unit, were complete a demographic questionnaire along with adolescents completing the IGD Scale-9 TH. After that, the pairs were interviewed by child and adolescent psychiatrist or resident with a semi-structure interview to confirm the diagnosis of internet gaming disorder in the adolescents. Statistical analysis were used to find Inter-rater reliability, internal consistency, reliability and validity of the questionnaire.

Results: The questionnaire has good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.69). The interview has very good inter-rater reliability (Cohen’s kappa = 1). The IGD Scale-9 TH when comparing to DSM-5 diagnosis criteria at the cut off equal to 5 was found to have a sensitivity = 0.69, specificity = 0.91, positive predictive value (PPV) = 82.8, negative predictive value (NPV) = 82.0 and area under curve (AUC) = 0.86. The questionnaire when comparing to ICD-11 diagnosis criteria at the cut off equal to 4 was found to have a sensitivity = 0.50, specificity = 0.98, PPV = 50.0, NPV = 97.6 and AUC = 0.92.

Conclusion: The IGD Scale-9 TH was found to have good reliability and validity, can serve as a good screening and diagnosing tool for internet gaming disorder in Thai adolescents aged, especially in clinical setting.

Keywords: internet gaming disorder, screening, questionnaire, reliability, validity

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How to Cite
Boonyaprasert, U., & Kiatrungrit, K. (2021). Validity and Reliability of the Thai Internet Gaming Disorder Scale 9-item (IGD Scale-9 TH) in adolescents in the psychiatry out-patient unit. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 66(3), 243–260. retrieved from
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