The Development of Vegan Blenderized Diet Formula by Using Natural Sweeteners


  • Penpitcha Panprame Department of Culinary for Health, College of Integrative Medicine, Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand
  • Akkarach Bumrungpert Department of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine, College of Integrative Medicine, Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand
  • Monruadee Keeratipranon College of Integrative Medicine, Dhurakij Pundit University, Thailand


Blenderized Diet, Vegan, Natural sweeteners, Stevioside


This pilot study aimed to develop a blenderized diet formula by using natural sweeteners and               to evaluate their sensory acceptability. Additionally, it compared the viscosity of blenderized diet formulas, in creating the vegan blenderized diet with 5 formulas, including a standard formula with sugar (control), a vegan formula without sweeteners, vegan formulas with stevioside, monk fruit, and coconut flower sugar. These were evaluated for sensory acceptability by 50 healthy men and women aged 30-60 years at Dhurakij Pundit University using a 9-point hedonic scale test, assessing appearance, color, smell, taste, texture, and overall liking. The results indicated that the vegan formula with stevioside had the highest acceptance level, and an average overall acceptability score of 6.6 (like slightly to like moderately). Comparing the viscosity of blenderized diet formulas indicated that the vegan formulas are more viscous than the standard formulas. It was able to flow completely through the tube feeding within 120 minutes and provided appropriate nutritional value while being safe from disease-causing microorganisms. The vegan formula can be used as an oral nutritional supplement or enteral feeding formula for patients to receive appropriate and sufficient energy and nutrients.


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How to Cite

Panprame, P., Bumrungpert, A., & Keeratipranon, M. (2024). The Development of Vegan Blenderized Diet Formula by Using Natural Sweeteners. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 59(2), 14–26. Retrieved from



Research article