Development of Low Sodium Mushroom-Based Rice Seasoning Powder with Tom Yum Flavored by Using Yeast Extract


  • Rossukon Wongdokmai ๊Faculty of Science and Technology, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit, Thailand
  • Arreerat Kampakai Faculty of Science and Technology, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, Uttaradit, Thailand


Sodium reduction, Yeast extract, Mushroom-based rice seasoning powder, Sensory evaluation


This study aims to investigate sodium reduction using yeast extract in the mushroom-based rice seasoning powder with tom yum flavored. A reduction of sodium chloride from the basic formula by 40%, 50%, and 60% and supplementation with yeast extract at three levels: 0.50%, 0.75%, and 1.00% of the total weight was carried out. These products were subjected to sensory evaluation by 5 trained panelists using a 9-point hedonic scale. Moreover, the study aimed to assess consumer acceptance of the products compared to the basic formula. The evaluation was conducted by 50 untrained panelists using a 5-point hedonic scale. Physical properties and nutrient composition were analyzed using standard procedures. The results indicated that the product with a 40% reduction in sodium and supplemented with yeast extract at levels of 0.50%, 0.75%, and 1.00%, received the highest likability scores (an average of 7.87 to 8.03). These scores indicate a high level of overall preference. The product acceptability was assessed and compared to the basic formula, it was found that the product with a 40% sodium reduction and 0.50% yeast extract supplementation had the highest overall likability scores. The average score of 4.58±0.54 indicated a significantly greater preference compared to the basic formula, falling within the category of high likability. The water activity (aw) and color values of the developed product did not differ compared to those from the basic formula. Additionally, the product contains 4.34% moisture, 66.75% carbohydrate, 15.17% fat, 13.67% protein, and 20.80% dietary fiber.   Furthermore, the product contains 994 mg/100g sodium, indicating a 31.41% reduction compared to the basic formula.


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How to Cite

wongdokmai, R., & Kampakai, A. (2024). Development of Low Sodium Mushroom-Based Rice Seasoning Powder with Tom Yum Flavored by Using Yeast Extract. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 59(1), 29–37. Retrieved from



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