Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP 420): The Easiest Practice for Food Safety


  • Arunee Danudol Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, Department of Medical Sciences, Nonthaburi, Thailand
  • Monthana Weerawatanakorn Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand


Food, Agricultural produces, Contamination, Public health problem, GMP


Food which is one of the four crucial factors for person’s livelihood is mainly derived from agricultural products. Consuming the safe and high nutritious foods not only gives health benefit, but also reduces health problems. The uncontaminated foods reduce morbidity and disease incidence. However, the morbidity of the population from unsafe food intake remains a public health problem in Thailand. According to the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health No. 420 B.E. 2563, Food Production Processes, Processing Equipment/ Utensils and Storage Practices, has been defined the basic requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines recently known as GMP 420 following the international recognition guidelines of Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) with the purpose to obtain the safe food products for the consumers. Good manufacturing practice (GMP) is so far the basic tool and easiest practices to ensure food safety. The review aims to disseminate academic information on the improvement of good manufacturing hygiene (GMP) to GMP 420, ease of compliance with GMP standards, for reducing contamination of food products from small and large producers. The information gives benefit to consumers and food producers to understanding of safe food production and consumption for their own health, helps encouraging all sectors to corporate in raising the food quality to be safe, and leads to reducing the negative impact on the country’s economy.  


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How to Cite

Danudol, A., & Weerawatanakorn, M. . . (2022). Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP 420): The Easiest Practice for Food Safety. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 57(2), 43–62. Retrieved from



Academic article