Food Safety and Food Sanitation Standards of Mobile Food Vending Vehicle among Ethnic Communities in Thoet Thai Sub-district, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai Province


  • Sukanya Buasri School of Human Ecology, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi
  • Sarisak Soontornchai School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi
  • Vasina Chandrasiri School of Human Ecology, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Nonthaburi


Food Safety, Food Sanitation Standards, Mobile Food Vending Vehicle, Ethnic Communities


Unsafe food from physical, chemical and biological hazards affect consumer’s health. In ethnic community, mobile food vending is an important means of food accessibility. The objectives of this study were to study: 1) food safety situation and 2) food sanitation of mobile food vending on vehicles in the ethnic communities in Thoet Thai Sub-district, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai Province. This survey research was conducted from February to August 2020. The target sample was mobile food vending motorcycles and cars in Thoet Thai Sub-district. For assessing food safety, communities were divided by locations: town/suburb, distant from town and along the border; one community was randomly selected from each location. Food sanitation of the mobile food vending on vehicles was conducted by observation of a convenient sample of 15 vehicles at Thoet Thai market and village food distribution sites. The research tools consisted of (1) food test kits and recording forms, and (2) food sanitation assessment form, which was developed and verified by 5 experts, with content validity of 1.0. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed that: 1) nine of 65 food samples did not meet the standards for chemical hazards (13.8%). Salbutamol and prohibited synthetic food colors were found in most samples (80%), and borax in 12.5% of samples. Additionally, nitrite was found in processed meat and pesticides in vegetables. Biological tests were done in 26 food samples and all foods were contaminated with coliform bacteria; and total bacteria in 30% of the samples. On food sanitation assessment of 15 vendors did not meet the standard on food sanitation, particularly, for meat, meat products. Almost all seafoods were stored at a temperature above 5 degrees Celsius, or not stored in ice box (86.7%) in the entire trip. In conclusion, findings from surveys of food safety and sanitation of mobile food vending on vehicles in the ethnic communities did not meet food safety and sanitation standard. There is a need to increase awareness among mobile vendors and people in the ethnic communities. Participation of the local personnel with the community is necessary to take actions to improve food safety and sanitation of the mobile food vending in ethnic communities.


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How to Cite

Buasri, S., Soontornchai, S., & Chandrasiri, V. (2021). Food Safety and Food Sanitation Standards of Mobile Food Vending Vehicle among Ethnic Communities in Thoet Thai Sub-district, Mae Fa Luang District, Chiang Rai Province. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 56(2), 50–64. retrieved from



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