Vegetables and Fruits Consumption at Least 400 g Per Day for Health: Evidence-based Approach


  • Chaniphun Butryee Institute of nutrition, Mahidol University, Salaya, Phuthamonthon, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand


vegetable, fruit, 400 gram, health, safety


The FAO/WHO recommends intake of at least five portions or at least 400 g of vegetables and fruits daily for the prevention of non-communicable diseases, such as, heart diseases, cancer, diabetes and obesity. The recommendation was based on the evidence that vegetables and fruits are sources of nutrients and non-nutrient food constituents which contribute to the reduction in disease risks. This recommendation can be achieved by consuming at least 30 g of whole grain foods (eg. unrefined rice, wheat, oat, barley and rye) to ensure an adequate daily intake of >25 g dietary fibre. Evidence showed that increased vegetable and fruit consumption (excluding potatoes and other starchy tubers) up to 400-600 g/day reduced the burden of various diet-related chronic diseases (NCDs). For example, the reduction of risks of ischaemic heart disease and ischaemic stroke was 31% and 19% respectively. For stomach, lung and colorectal cancer, the potential reductions were 19%, 12% and 2%, respectively. Therefore, the objectives of this review were (1) to compile evidence from epidemiological studies focusing on prospective observational and intervention studies on risk reduction of specific foods on various NCDs; (2) to recommend possible menu planning and measures to ensure vegetables and fruits consumption at least 400 g per day; (3) to advice the way to reduce bacteria and pesticide residue contamination in raw produce. Practical menu planning to achieve at least 400 g/day of vegetable and fruit intakes from traditional Thai and fusion menus was suggested. To minimizing a range of microbial and chemical contaminants before consuming, various food safety measures (e.g., washed with water, chemical disinfectants, depending on the type of pesticides), to ensure that residue levels are below the established limits to safeguard human health. Off-season production may increase the risk of pesticide residues and should be avoided. Authorized agencies should conduct adequate monitoring programs, to assure that safe or tolerable levels of contaminants are not exceeded.


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How to Cite

Butryee , C. (2020). Vegetables and Fruits Consumption at Least 400 g Per Day for Health: Evidence-based Approach. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 55(1), 53–65. Retrieved from



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