Thailand’s Situation and Food Policy on Trans Fat


  • Juntima Photi Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
  • Visith Chavasit Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University
  • Wantanee Kriengsinyos Nutrition Association of Thailand
  • Mayuree Ditmetharoj Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi


กรดไขมันทรานส์, น้ำมันที่ผ่านการเติมไฮโดรเจนบางส่วน, เบเกอรี


Partially hydrogenated oil (PHO) is the primary source of trans fatty acid that is also found in natural from remnant animal products like cattle’s milk, beef and butter. Trans fatty acid consumed from foods may increase the potential risk of cardiovascular disease by causing the evaluated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and decreased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Current studies on trans fatty acid in selected food groups indicate that the majority of fat-related health problems in Thailand may be the result of saturated fatty acid consumption instead of trans fatty acid. Only some samples from the commercial markets of butter, shortening, margarine, fried donuts, puffs and pastries contained trans fatty acid at the level over the FAO/WHO recommendation (> 0.5 g/serving). However, oil blending technique is developed for PHO replacements by mixing at least two kinds of oil containing different degrees of saturation until the desirable physical properties are achieved. Furthermore, a Ministry of Public Health notification is issued to prohibit producing, importing, or selling PHO and any food made from PHO in Thailand which will be in effect from December 10, 2018.


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How to Cite

Photi, J., Chavasit, V., Kriengsinyos, W., & Ditmetharoj, M. (2019). Thailand’s Situation and Food Policy on Trans Fat. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 54(1), 85–93. Retrieved from



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