Infants’ breast milk intake and maternal energy and nutrient consumptions


  • พัชราณี ภวัตกุล Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University
  • กนกวรรณ บัณฑุชัย Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nakhon Lampang
  • วิริณธิ์ กิตติพิชัย Department of Family Health, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University


Breast milk intake, Energy, Protein


This cross-sectional survey study assessed the correlation between infants’breast milk intake and energy and nutrient intakes of the mothers. The cohort consisted of 36 pairs of mothers and their infants aged 1-3 months in Lampang Province, Thailand. The data were collected by using 24-hour food recall and semi-quantitative protein food frequency questionnaire.Test-weighing method was used to measure breast milk volume. The correlation between breast milk intake and maternal food intakes were tested by Partial correlation controlled for infant’s birth weight and current weight. The results showed that the mean of breast milk intake of 616.6 ± 187.9 g per day. The mean energy, carbohydrate, protein, and fat of mothers’diets were 1,668 kcal, 235.6 g, 70.2 g, and 49.8 g, respectively.The maternal energy and carbohydrate intakes were significantly correlated to infants’ breast milk intake (p<0.05). Moreover, some kinds of protein foods were significantly correlated to breast milk intake including egg tofu, Nile tilapia, striped snakehead fish, short-bodied mackerel, fish meatball, shrimp, and tofu (p<0.05). Thus lactating mothers should be encouraged to meet energy and nutrition requirement, and to eat high-quality proteins to enhance their infants’ breast milk intake.


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How to Cite

ภวัตกุล พ., บัณฑุชัย ก., & กิตติพิชัย ว. (2018). Infants’ breast milk intake and maternal energy and nutrient consumptions. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 53(1), 42–54. Retrieved from



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