Food, culture and nutrition: fermented soybean (Thua-nao)
Thua-nao is a product of fermented soybean which is favorite food consumed among northern Thai people. Fermented soybean products of other ethnic groups, which have similar processing as Thua-nao, may have different characteristics found in a number of countries. There are two types of fermented soybean products: wet (Thua-nao muer) and dried (Thua-nao paan) types. The process of producing fermented soybean includes soaking raw soybean in water overnight, boiling in water for 3 to 4 hours, and keeping it for natural fermentation about 3 to 4 days. The bacteria occurs in fermented processing is Bacillus subtilis var. thuanao. To have the basic information regarding nutritive values of raw soybean and Thua-nao, which produced in the northern part of Thailand, not only leads to develop the good sanitation processing and increase nutritive values of Thua-nao but also keep local cultural food sustainable.
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