Egg consumption and health related


  • สุภาณี พุทธเดชาคุ้ม Research Center, Mahidol University
  • จุฬาภรณ์ รุ่งพิสุทธิพงษ์ Division of Nutrition and Biochemical Medicine, Department of Medicine, Mahidol University
  • อรวรรณ พิชิตไชยพิทักษ์ Home Health Care Nursing Unit Department Ramathibodi Hospital, Faculty of medicine, Mahidol University


Eggs are the common food available for all years round and not expensive. Eggs are among the most nutritious foods plenty of the nutrients needed by our bodies. Although their high cholesterol content in egg yolks (205 mg/egg equivalent to 68 % of the recommended daily intake). Some believed that if they ate cholesterol, that it would raise cholesterol in the blood and contribute to heart disease. But the fact that it isn’t that simple. The more you eat of cholesterol, the less your body produces instead. The effect of egg consumption on blood cholesterol is minimal on blood levels of total cholesterol and harmful LDL cholesterol than does the mix of trans fats and saturated fats in the diet. Recent research has shown that one a day of egg consumption does not increase heart disease risk in healthy individuals and can be a part of healthy diet by preventing some types of strokes. People who have difficulty controlling their total and LDL cholesterol, should be cautious about eating egg yolks by using cholesterol-free egg substitutes, which are made with egg whites since egg whites contain no cholesterol. Most epidemiological research revealed that studies large populations over time and analyzes their diets and health has found no connection between eating eggs and increases in heart disease. One thing should be considered is the cleanness of egg to prevent risk of a Salmonella infection from eggs.


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How to Cite

พุทธเดชาคุ้ม ส., รุ่งพิสุทธิพงษ์ จ., & พิชิตไชยพิทักษ์ อ. (2015). Egg consumption and health related. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 50(1), 11–20. retrieved from



Review article