Early life nutrition and double burden of malnutrition: a challenge for Thailand


  • พัตธนี วินิจจะกูล Community/International Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University


Thailand has successfully alleviated severe and moderate malnutrition in children and women during 1980s-1990s. However, the rapid national economic development has brought about the malnutrition on the other end, i.e., overnutrition, which was recognized in adults and older children.  As a result, priority for control of malnutrition has been given to this diet-related chronic malnutrition. Malnutrition in young children and women received low priority due to lack of awareness of negative consequences of non-clinical malnutrition on growth and development, especially, cognition. Maternal and child nutrition integrated program becomes specific nutrition interventions addressing anemia and iodine deficiency. Moreover, as overnutrition in adults increase, it is not aware that adult women have had higher prevalence of overweight and diabetes than men, and its increaseis oversighted while it could be related to metabolic changes during pregnancy and lactation. Evidence from hospital-based data appeared to support this speculation. Early life nutrition, i.e., from conception to first 2 y of life, has received high attention in the international nutrition and global health community. Cohort studies consistently showed that malnutrition in utero is the risk of both under nutrition postnatally as well as overnutrition in later years of life if rapid weight gain associated with inappropriate feedings occurs after 3-4 y of life. Globally, prevention of maternal and young child malnutrition is placed high on the agenda, unfortunately, no specific global policy is currently advocated in Thailand.


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How to Cite

วินิจจะกูล พ. (2015). Early life nutrition and double burden of malnutrition: a challenge for Thailand. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 50(2), 11–25. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JNAT/article/view/124194



Review article