Insight into the role of the microbiome in obesity and type 2 diabetes


  • ฉัตรวรา อารีวุฒิ Department of medicine, Ramathibodi hospital, Mahidoluniversity


Butyrate, Prebiotic and probiotic, Metabolic disorder


The worldwide prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes has been increasing from 153 to 347 million within 28 years from 1980-2008. In Thailand, the rising prevalence of type 2 diabetes continues to increase. The recent survey found during 2008-2009, Thai people whose age over 15 years was diagnosed with diabetes increasing 6.9% per year. The proportion increase in type 2 diabetes is correlated to the increase prevalence of obesity. Many studies reported that being obesity results in insulin resistance and further can cause type 2 diabetes in the future. Currently, many researchers discovered the benefits of good bacteria that reside in human intestine on metabolic disorder. The substance “Butyrate” is the end product of gut bacteria fermentation. The butyrate substance improves insulin sensitivity, increase satiety, and enhance the balance of human metabolism. This indicates a potential role of gut bacteria, particularly butyrate producing bacteria in metabolic improvement. Conclusion, the increase of intestinal gut good bacteria involve in elevating butyrate production. There are many ways to improve gut good bacteria population, for example, gastric bypass or diet therapy. However, in nutrition aspect, prebiotic food choices which contain non-digestible carbohydrate are recommended. When gut bacteria fermented dietary fiber, butyrate substance is the end-product of the fermentation. High fiber diet has been shown to be another alternative way for obesity to improve their weight and metabolic function.


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How to Cite

อารีวุฒิ ฉ. (2016). Insight into the role of the microbiome in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 51(2), 29–38. Retrieved from



Review article